WP3 B1

 The group I am choosing to write about is the LGBTQ+ community and the issues they face in all types of healthcare, from getting treatment for obesity to HIV/AIDS to mental illness that affects the entire community. In particular, transgender individuals are more likely to commit suicide because of gender dysphoria and being kicked out of their homes. I know that lots of LGBTQ+ individuals have trouble getting healthcare because they are afraid to come out of the closet for fear of retribution or disownment from their family and friends. Getting gender-affirming treatment is especially difficult for transgender individuals. There are many hoops to jump through in order to receive what could be life-saving treatment for many by matching their body to what their mind is. Even basic things like a binder for some trans men or anti-hormonal pills to stave off puberty can be incredibly difficult to acquire due to outdated ways of thinking all across the medical and political community. I need to find data that backs this up as well as outlines how effective certain solutions are so that I can write a convincing argument for this treatment.


  1. Writing about the LGBTQ+ is a good topic due to their discrimination, especially for transgenders.

    1. Effective sources to use could involve recent news articles about healthcare bills.

  2. I would be more specific with which group of LGBTQ+ members to write about like transgenders or homosexual males or females. Being specific will help you narrow you're research.


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