WP4 B1

 I am choosing to cover the Wilmington 1898 coup. It is, to date, the only successful military coup that has taken place on United States soil but I had no idea that it existed until I took APUSH in my sophomore year of high school. This despite me living in the same state it took place in over a century ago. Essentially what happened was a bunch of white supremacists stormed and overthrew the legitimately elected biracial government of Wilmington, North Carolina and installed a white supremacist gvoernment to continue to oppress blacks. This was allowed to occur by both the state and federal governments. Newspapers at the time falsely reported that it was a race riot started by blacks but it’s widely recognized nowadays that it was, in fact, a white supremacist coup. This will help to drive home just how racist America was back in the day and even though slavery had been outlawed, blacks were still second-class citizens and white supremacists were determined to keep it that way.


  1. I agree that this event is not covered due to its crudeness but it is important to remind us of America's racist past.

    1. You could also mention the benefits of reminding Americans of their country having a racist past.

  2. This is an interesting event that could help show racism within the country. I think this is a great choice to pick for being taught.


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