Final Blog

The past 15 weeks have been a journey. Pretending that I enjoyed this class wouldn't be fair to either myself or the person reading this either. I was here for the requirement and it felt like everyone else was as well. The collaboration was limited and not very effective and the self-publishing was thoroughly useless. Nobody commented anywhere close to on-time, in fact, the only comment I received before the last week of class was about some messed-up formatting of one of my blog posts. What I learned was only reinforcements of what I already knew: I'm a solid writer and I hate this kind of writing. This stuff won't be helpful because I'm not going to become an academic, nobody likes writing it, nobody likes reading it, and it just felt like a slog to write bloated papers without any passion behind them. My advice to future students is to make sure that you at least try to write about something you're passionate about because that will help make it more bearable.


  1. I agree about writing about what you are passionate about as writing should be something you enjoy.


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